how to initialize vagrant

vagrant init

how to add new box in vagrant

all box can be found

vagrant box add <boxname>

to see all box

vagrant box list

change boxed inside Vagrantfile = "<boxname>"  

to bootup up virtual machine

vagrant up

to login to guest machine

vagrant ssh

some linux command

#  to know information
uname -a 

# to know physical storage, ram 

df -h

# to see memory
free -m

# to back to host machine


# to see all running process in linux 
ps -ef | grep apache

to increase guest machine ram size

open Vagrantfile and memory value

vb.memory = "2048"

to restart guest machine with new Vagrantfile configuration with provision flag

vagrant reload --provision

to hault vagrant guest machine

vagrant halt

file sync

All file and folder of project folder can be found /vagrant directory in guest machine. It will automatically synchronize between guest machine and host machine. you can modify in vagrantfile

config.vm.synced_folder "<host_machine_folder>", "<guest_machine_folder>"

to write provision

config.vm.provision :shell, path: ""

this means, default provision script write in shell and path of shell script is

code inside

#!/usr/bin/env bash
apt-get update
apt-get install -y apache2
ln -fs /vagrant /var/www/html

wget website viewed in terminal

wget -q0-

Networking between host machine and guest machine in Vagrantfile "forwarded_port", guest: 80, host: 8080

static ip configure using private network "private_network", ip: ""

share you vagrant static ip to everyone. dependancy ngrok

vagrant share

to destroy vagrant

vagrant destroy