Installing voyager

composer require tcg/voyager

adding credentials to .env file must put value for app_url. Do voyager command

php artisan voyager:install --with-dummy

login to app_url/admin


configuration file will be config/voyager.php
available configuration

  • default role
  • custom controller
  • model namespace
  • voyager assets
  • storage (public/s3/google cloud)
  • media hidden fies
  • if I hide any table from voyager admin
  • admin prefix
  • multi lingual
  • dashboard
  • widgets
  • dev tips
  • additional css
  • additional js

voyager routing package

I can change prefix from


If I change slug from bread I need to update slug in menu builder as well


actually linking in our local storage (storage/app/public)

Its drag and drop menu builder. we can call menu from our frontend by menu name

{!! menu('main', 'bootstrap') !!}

database manager

create new table

bread (for crud functionality )

after making bread we have to add bread to menu builder in order to showing in admin menu list


will be found inside bread. model relationship, which field will be shown(generally name), which field will be value(id)


showing image in our frontend

{{ Voyager::image("site.logo")}}


Can make artisan command from compass

roles and permissions

## permissions  
<?php $page = TCG\Voyager\Models\Page::first();  ?>
@can('browse', $page)
  You can brows page
  You do not have permission to view this page

# or
<?php $browsePage = Voyager::can('browse_pages') ?>

  You can browse pages
  You can not browse pages

google anlytics

go to and make new credentials

credentials > create credentials ^ OAuth client ID
in create client id  page 
application type web application 
Name : voyager analytics

go to my admin area and paste google analytics client id. It will show analytics in your dashboard

advanced bread options for additional options

optional details like changing image size when uploading. There are lot of options. we should look into documentations

widgets on dashboard

In dashboard there are some widgets I can change from config/voygager.php file. In order to add additional widgets copy from voyager any of built in widget and paste inside App\Widget\YourWidgetName.php. Update as per as you need and adding this widget inside config\voyager.php file

custom menu template

copy menu template from tcg/resources/views/menu/default.php and make a file in our resources and paste it there.
in order to use menu template

{!! menu('menu_name', 'template-location')!!}

custom view

make a following file and writing appropriate content under our resources/view


# for reference go to composer vendor directory and copy from bread browse