first you need to install php above 7.0 and added php in your environment variable. If you don’t have php install you can install from your power shell by executing following command
# PHP 7.1
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned; Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -OutFile $env:temp\php71.ps1; ."$env:temp\php71.ps1"
# PHP 7.2
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned; Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -OutFile $env:temp\php72.ps1; ."$env:temp\php72.ps1"
download laravel globally
composer global require "laravel/installer"
download valet for windows package globally (
composer global require cretueusebiu/valet-windows
Setting up network adapter for valet
go to open network and internet settings > change adapter options > click on any of your adapter you are using.
double click on Internet protocol version 4
and choose use the following dns server addresses
. Now put
as preferred dns server. click ok.
now click on Internet protocol version 6
and choose use the following dns server addresses
. Now put ::1
as preferred dns server. click ok.
installing valet
Open power shell or cmd as administrator
. do following commands
valet install
It will install valet in your pc
to park valet
valet park