sql is declarative language. I mean what you want you can ask.
some terminology of sql

  • DB - database
  • DBA - database administrator
  • DBMS - database management system
  • RDBMS - relational database management system
  • ddl - data definition language (creating table, altering table, primary key, foreign key)
  • dml - (data manipulation language create read update delete - CRUD)

mysql 101 - Crud in mysql

  • mysql is not case sensitive

to login to mysql

mysql -uroot -p

to show all databases

show databases;

to create a database

create database <databaseName>;

to drop a database

drop database college;
# with condition
drop database  if exists college;

to use a database

use <dbname>;

list all tables

show tables;

to create a table

# parent first approach when comes to foreign key
create table <tablename> (
  id int(11) auto_increment primary key, 
  name varchar(30) not null,
  email varchar(30)

to drop a table

# child first approach
drop table if exists departments;
drop table if exists subjects;

to know structure of table

describe <tableName>;

insert into database (c - crud)

insert into <tableName> (<column1>, <column2>) values('column1_value', 'column2_value'); 

retrieve/read data from database (r - crud)

select <column> from <tablename>;

### for getting all results 
select * from <tablename> ;

Update database value (u - crud)

update <tableName> set <columnName>=<columnValue> where id=<somevalue>;

delete table row (d - crud)

delete from <tableName> where <columnName>=<columnValue>;

creating a table - back-tic for escaping character

create table cities (
  id int(11) auto_increment primary key,
  name varchar(30)

create table cities (
  id int(11) auto_increment,
  name varchar(30),
  primary key(id)

# with back-tic as escaping character    
create table cities (
  id serial,
  name varchar(30)

table with foreign key

create table people (
  id int(11) auto_increment primary key,
  first_name varchar(30) not null,
  last_name varchar(30) not null,
  email varchar(30),
  # structures should be like parent table
  city_id int(11),
  foreign key(city_id) references cities(id) 

create table people (
  id int(11) auto_increment primary key,
  first_name varchar(30) not null,
  last_name varchar(30) not null,
  email varchar(30),
  city_id bigint(20) unsigned,
  foreign key(city_id) references cities(id) on delete cascade

knowing table structures

show columns from cities;
# or
show columns from databasename.table;
# or
describe cities;

inserting data into database

insert into cities values(1, 'Feni');
# or
insert into cities (name) values('Feni');
# or
insert into cities set name='Feni';

inserting multiple values in table

insert into people(first_name, last_name, email, city_id) values
('Parvez', 'Ahmed', 'parvez@gmai.com', 1),
('Helal', 'Ahmed', 'helal@gmai.com', 1),
('Sarif', 'Ahmed', 'sarif@gmai.com', 2)

some mysql functions

  • count(value)
  • concat(value, ' ', value, ' ', value)
  • concat_ws(separtor, value, value)
  • upper
  • lower
  • reverse
  • avg
  • sum
  • min
  • max
  • left(title, 3)
  • right(title, 3)

join query

select * from people join cities where cities.id=people.city_id;

altering table

# adding new column in table
alter table people add address varchar(255);
# adding new column with default value
alter table people add address varchar(255) default 'ssk road feni';
# for appearing after id
alter table people add address varchar(255) after id;
# for appearing in first 
alter table people add address varchar(255) first;
alter table people modify address varchar(255) default 'ssk road feni' first;

truncating table

truncate people;

how to export database

mysqldump -uroot -p people > filename.sql

how to import to database

mysql -uroot -p people < filename.sql

how to view select query horizontally

select * from people\G

some wild card

like "%category_name%" 
like "_ategory_name%" 

fetching data from table using pivot table

select subjects.name, departments.name from department_subject
join departments on department_subject.department_id = departments.id
join subjects on department_subject.subject_id = subjects.id

copy one database table to another database

mysqldump -uroot db1 | mysql -uroot db2