
Isotope - js plugin for filtering and sorting layouts

isotope js plugin tutorial | How to use isotope js in your html web page for filtering and sorting



go to website and add isotope js file in your html file.
write markup for isotope

<div class="grid">
  <div class="grid-item flower">...</div>
  <div class="grid-item fruit">...</div>
  <div class="grid-item bard">...</div>

initialize isotope plugin with jquery. [dependancy jquery]

$grid = $('.grid').isotope({
  // options
  itemSelector: '.grid-item',
  layoutMode: 'fitRows'

filtering with isotope

write markup for filtering

<div class="filter">
  <button data-name='*' class="btn btn-info">All</button>
  <button data-name=".fruit" class="btn btn-primary">fruit</button>
  <button data-name=".flower" class="btn btn-danger">flower</button>
  <button data-name=".bird" class="btn btn-success">bird</button>

make a onclick handler for click event. and get the selected button value and filter using isotope function

$('.filter button').on("click", function () {
  var value = $(this).attr('data-name');
      filter: value

sorting with isotope

First write markup for sorting

<div class="sort">
  <button data-name='name' class="btn btn-primary">name</button>
  <button data-name='original-order' class="btn btn-info">original</button>
  <button data-name='random' class="btn btn-dark">random</button>

Earlier in initialization, we use only itemSelector and layoutMode attribute. In order to set user defined sorting add getSortData and give a attribute key with value. In our case attribute name is name and value is text of .grid-item.

getSortData: {
  name: function (element) {
    return $(element).text();

Now listen for the sorting button click and call isotope function with specifying sortBy. Here name only our defined attribute. It has 2 built in attribute. random and original-order. Js code is following

$('.sort button').on("click", function () {
  var value = $(this).attr('data-name');
    sortBy: value

Indication for which sorting or filtering is currently active

I add bootstrap active class to button for indicating which filter and sort currently active. Initially, in case of filter, all is active and in case of sort original-order is active.

<button data-name='*' class="btn btn-info active">All</button>

Whenever some one click on any filter or sort button, I will remove active class from all button and add active class only to selected button. js code is following

//incase of filter
$('.filter button').removeClass('active');

//incase of sorting
$('.sort button').removeClass('active');

Hope this will help you. Take care. Thanks for watching and reading.