Codeigniter Essentials

November 11, 2018 6 minutes codeigniter , php , php mvc framework

1 - setting up base url

// file: application/config.php
$config['base_url'] = 'http://localhost:8000';

2 - to load a view

// file: controllers > Properties.php
class Properties extends CI_Controller
  public function index()

3 - automatic url in codeigniter


4 - passing value in to the view

$data['user_name'] = 'Bernard';
$data['status_group'] = ['all', 'available', 'unavailable'];
$this->load->view('properties/index', $data)

5 - controller with params

how codeIgniter making route automatically

public function show($id)
  $data['id'] = $id;
  $this->load->view('properties/show', $data)

6 - model

model should hold the business role. eg. In laravel model we hidden some properties using protected hidden

// file: models/Property.php
class Property extends CI_MODEL
  public function __construct()
  public function get()
    return "4 bedroom 2 story house"
// using model in controller
// controllers/properties
$data['name'] = $this->Property->get(); //"4 bedroom 2 story house"
$this->load->view('properties/index', $data);

7 - url helper

// file: controllers/properties.php function: index
// view file
echo base_url('assets/images/imagename.jpg');
echo site_url('properties/show/1'); // for href

8 - autoload helper globally like url

// file: config/autoload.php
$autoload['helper'] = ['url']

9 - database config

// file: config/database.php
$db['default'] = [
  'username' => $_ENV['DB_USER'],
  'password' => $_ENV['PASSWORD'],
  'database' => $_ENV['DB_NAME'],

10 - connecting database

//file: models/Property.php
public function connection_test()
  $this->load->database('default', true)
// testing connection from controller
// file: controllers/Properties.php
public function db_test
// passing database credential using $_ENV super global for testing
// env DB_USER=root DB_PASSWORD=root  DB_DATABASE=ci_course php -S localhost:8080

11 - autoload model globally instead of single function

// file: config/autoload.php
$autoload['model'] = ['Property'] // case sensitive

12 - how to connect to database using model

// file: models/Propery.php
// loading connection to whole model
public function __construct
  $this->db = $this->load->database('default', true);
// testing to get database version
public version get_version()
  return $this->db->query('SELECT VERSION()');
// file: controllers/Properites.php
$version = $this->Property->get_version();
$data['version'] = $version->conn_id->server_info;
$this->load->view('properties/index', $data);

13 - getting all row from database table

// model file: models/Property.php
public function all()
  $result_set = $this->db->get('poperties');
  return $result_set->result_array();
// controller file: controllers/Properties.php
$data['properties'] = $this->Property->all();
$this->load->view('properties/index', $data);
// views - now i can iterate in properties

14 - getting single row like laravel show function

// file: models/Propery.php
public function get($id)
  $where['id'] => $id;
  $this->db->get_where('properties', $where);
// file: controllers/Properties.php
public function edit($id)
  $data['property'] = $this->Property->get($id);
  $this->load->view('properties/edit', $data);

15 - update

// file: models/Propery.php

public function update($id, $new_data)
  $where['id'] = $id;
  $this->db->update('properties', $new_data, $where);
// file: controllers/Properties.php
public function edit($id)
  if ($_POST)
    $new_data['name'] = $this->input->post('name');
    $new_data['description'] = $this->input->post('description');
    $this->Property->update($id, $new_data);

16 - redirect


18 - autoload session

// file: config/autoload.php
$autoload['libraries'] = ['session'];
// file: config/config.php
$config['sess_save_path'] = sys_get_temp_dir()

// file controllers/Properties.php
$session_data['selected_filter'] = $this->input->get('filter');
// pass variable to the view
$data['selected_filter'] = $this->session->selected_filter;
$this->load->view('layouts/footer', $data);
// file: views/properties/index.php
if (empty($selected_filter))
  // some htmml

19 - manipulating browser using output class

public function kml_export()

20 - force content to download


21 - change the file download name

header('Content-Disposition: inline; filename="real_estate_kml_export.kml"');

22 - showing an image

$image = file_get_contents('assets/images/imagename.jpg');

23 - helper for file upload

// file: controllers/Properties.php
$this->laod->helper('form') // this is the perfect example to load manual helper. since we don't need form in every where
// file: views/properties.php // instead of form tag
echo form_open_multipart('')

24 - file uploading

public function doupload()
  $config['upload_path'] = './uploads/';
  $config['allowed_types'] = 'gif|jpg|png'
  $this->load->library('upload', $config);
  $data = $this->upload->data();
  return $data['file_name']
public function edit()
    $image = false;
      $image = $this->doupload();
    if ($image) {
      $new_data['image'] = $image;
  $this->Property->update($id, $new_data);

25 - form validation - never trust end user.

$this->form_validation->set_rules('name','Name', 'required');
$this->form_validation->set_rules('description','Description', 'required');
if($this->form_validation->run()) {  } // if form is validate we will update

showing errors in form

<?php if(form_error('name')): ?>
  <div class='alert alert-danger'><?php echo form_error('name') ?> </div>
<?php endif; ?>

26 - persist old value

  // overwrite name and description key by input value
  $data['property']['name'] = $this->input->post('name');
  $data['property']['description'] = $this->input->post('description');
  // now passign $data to view

27 - log for debug

generated log file will be available inside logs/log-date-formatted.php

// file: config/config.php
$config['log_threshold'] = 4; // 4 = all message
$config['log_threshold'] = 2; // 2 = debug message
//file controllers/Properties.php
log_message('debug', 'My first Log');
log_message('debug', 'From parameters' . print_r( $_POST, true )) // print_r 2nd parameter for return it

28 - Using composer in codeigniter

First we need to create a library and added to autoload library

// file: libraries/Composer_loader.php
class Composer_loader
  public function __construct()
    include './vendor/autoload.php';
// file: config/autoload.php
$autoload['libraries'] = ['Composer_loader'];

See Also